Category Archives: GitHub

What is software?

Software refers to computer programs and related data that provide the instructions and functionality necessary for computers and other electronic devices to perform specific tasks. Examples of software include operating systems, applications, utilities, and games. It can be installed on a device from a physical medium such as a CD or downloaded over the internet.… Read More »

How to rename a git local and remote branch?

As we are working in a team and using git. Many developers are working on the same project in this git is very helpful. So when we have to rename the git branch? You created a branch and pushed on the remote server, after pushing you got to know that branch name is incorrect. To… Read More »

How to add empty directory to git repository?

Whenever we are creating a directory in git folder git shows us nothing to commit, it is by the design of git we can not commit empty directories. So to commit empty directory to git repository follow the steps below Create an empty directory 2. Then create an empty directory 3. Add your directory with… Read More »